Admission Requirement


Students who have passed the Matriculation Examination are selected by Dawei Education Degree College on the basis of aggregate marks and on principles laid down by Department of Higher Education.

Requirement for B.A.(Education)/B.Sc.(Education)

Must pass Matriculation examination in recent year.

Must apply to the Education College that exists in region / state where they live in.

Must be a holder of National Registration Card (NRC).

Must enable to complete four-year course.

Must be able to serve at any school where throughout the region / state.

Must obey the rules and regulations of Education Degree College.

Requirement for Pre-Service Primary Teacher Training (PPTT)

Must be a citizen of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

Must get a degree especially specializing in ( English, Myanmar, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Economics,…..)

Must not be older than 30 – years. ( Must not be older than 35 – years in the case of government servants and needs the permission of organization)

Must be healthy and able to attend at any Education Degree College.

Must have a good character and must not commit any crime.

Must not attend simultaneously other trainings or courses.